Ideally, uptime could be at 100% but in reality, that can be hard to achieve. Web hosting uptime is very important in checking how good the servers work because a working server means that your site is running and customers can see your website. Apparently, if your website is not working, not only will you lose visitors and customers, you could also lose sales.
That is why you should always know if your uptime has a high percentage.
How is Uptime Calculated?
The calculation of Uptime is based on the hours of availability of the server and expressed in percentage. Here’s how it is calculated: Uptime = (Hours of availability of your website/the number of hours a year) x 100. So, the number of hours your website is available is divided by the total amount of time per year, then multiply it by 100. Here’s an example for a much simpler explanation: We all know that there are 365 days in a year when calculated in hours – 365 days x 24 hours = 8,760 hours a year. If your server has a downtime of 2 days a year, then it would be calculated as: (8,712 / 8,760) x 100 = 99.45% An uptime of 99.45% sounds great, but actually, it is not. You can lose about 2.0% of your sales a month. That is a big loss of profit.
4 Kinds of Monitoring Tools
There are a lot of tools online that can help monitor the servers, some are paid and some are free. Whatever tool you use to check web hosting uptime, it will still fit into one of these monitoring types:
HTTP Monitor
This type of monitor is used to transfer data’s online and set rules for the browsers and servers on which information should be exchanged. Since an exchange of information occurs, the HTTP monitor would give info about the traffic amidst the computer and the internet.
TCP Port Monitor
TCP is short for Transmission Control Protocol. This transfers data from one network device to another by using retransmission. This is a kind of strategy that ensures that no data would be lost during every transmission.
PING Monitor
This type just basically pings your website to validate that it is available and running and provides information about the connection speed and the downtime of statistics.
DNS Server Monitor
Each computer has a corresponding numerical address. This type of monitoring tool can provide in-debt info’s about protocol failures, uptime, network outages, and others by matching the data and running behind the monitoring of addresses. Once there’s a mismatch, the DNS will be aware of it and reports the error.
Having a high percentage of web hosting uptime is important and can greatly help with your website’s sale. If you want an insight into how much profit you can gain, you can look at the percentage of your uptime and base it from there. The higher the uptime, the better.