Joint Entrance Examination or JEE is one of the toughest entrance examinations. JEE exam is conducted in 2 stages: The National Testing Agency (NTA) conducts JEE Mains, and one of the IIT conducts JEE Advance. IIT XXXX will be responsible for conducting IIT JEE Advanced 2020. JEE Mains 2020 will be the first stage which is usually conducted in April. The top 2 lakh students are eligible to take this exam conducted between January 6 to 20, 2020. Students who clear JEE Advanced can take admissions in prestigious IIT and ISM, whereas others are eligible to get admissions in NIT, IIIT, and other central government-funded institutes. Get the JEE Main 2020 Syllabus PDF.
How to Crack IIT JEE?
JEE Exams are tough and need meticulous planning. Our experts have come up with five smart tips for bright students to crack IIT JEE 2020.
1. Focus on the goal
Before starting the preparation, set the goal! Ask yourselves these questions,
Do I want to pursue Engineering? Do I have an aspiration to get into an IIT? Can I deal with the pressure in the competitive atmosphere?
If the answer to the above questions is a “YES,” then you are ready to take the Joint Entrance Examination. The right attitude is needed to prepare and take up JEE.
2. Right Mentorship
The most important thing that is required while JEE Preparation is good mentorship. There are numerous coaching institutes, but they have a major drawback – Time constraint! An average Class 12th student’s daily schedule would involve
9 hours of school 8 hours of sleep 1 hour of commuting 1 hour of recreation 3 hours of coaching, 2 hours a day to get ready and fill the tummy
Lo and behold, 24 hours are just gone, in a swish! Where is the time to study? Here is where Byju’s come to the rescue! The JEE course at Byju’s is available online. Our adaptive learning helps IIT aspirants learn the concepts that will retain the memory for a longer time. The advantages of taking Byju’s JEE course are,
Since the course can be viewed on a mobile device or a tablet, one has the advantage of preparing for JEE anytime-anywhere. Our counselors are available 24/7 to help you clear your doubts Apart from the study materials, regular mock tests are conducted, which provides insight into your preparation IIT alumni assist you with shortcut techniques to crack IIT JEE within 30 seconds!
3. Study Schedule
It is crucial to have a study plan which will help you to organize your day accordingly. Distribute the hours to focus on all three subjects: Physics, Chemistry, and Maths. Challenge yourself! If you manage to solve 20 questions correctly today, push yourself to answer 30 questions the next day! Time management is paramount. Make a study plan for each day of the week. On Sundays and holidays, reserve more time for topics that are tough or that need more practice. Always study when your energy is at the highest. With Byju’s adaptive learning, you can study whenever you feel like the videos are creative, which will help better understand concepts and give an advantage to any time learning.
4. Consistency
Being consistent is vital. Many students start the preparation with a bang but eventually get bored or procrastinating. JEE Preparation involves dedication, and one must concentrate on increasing the study time as the days pass by. Stick to the study schedule and prepare accordingly. You can improve your preparation only by pushing the boundaries. After all, JEE is a tough exam, and many other brilliant minds like yours’ would be working hard to get into an IIT or an NIT. Work smart towards the preparation and remain consistent with your training for JEE Exam.
5. Healthy Lifestyle
You need to develop a healthy lifestyle during this phase. As the saying goes, “Health is wealth.”It is crucial to study; well, study a lot, but do not rob yourself from recreation. Engage in an outdoor sport or do yoga, which will help to clear your mind. If you are not an outdoor person, listen to music to calm your mind or play games like chess or carom, which will take your mind from the studies and enhance your concentration. Eat well, and avoid junk food. A bowl of Maggi may be tempting, but try to avoid it as junk foods have the super ability to spoil your digestive system, and sickness will only cause the slow down of your preparation. Follow these 5 super-smart tricks to ace in and crack IIT JEE 2020!