But if you’re determined to create a successful Wikipedia-like website, there are a few things you can do to make the process easier. First, make sure you have an understanding of the basic concepts behind Wikipedia. Next, research the different types of Wikipedia pages and how they can be used to help your business or organization. Finally, be sure to follow the instructions provided on each page in order to create a successful website.

To make a wiki successful, you need to understand how it works and where to start. This includes learning how to create pages and add text, images, and videos to them, the different types of page editors, and how to enable collaboration on the site. ..

How To Make Your Own Wiki Page

If you want to create a wiki site on your own, you’ll need to choose an option that’s free or cheap to set up. There are plenty of options out there, depending on how much you want to spend. Free options include Windows SharePoint, MediaWiki, and Wikia, which will let you create your very own wiki site from scratch.

If you have the capital, paid services like Same Page can offer you tools and templates to help get you started. TikiWiki is a great software option for anyone who wants to host a private wiki on a business or personal server.

Google Sites is a great platform for collaborative writing because it is constantly evolving. WordPress, on the other hand, is a popular content management system that can be used to create websites. If you are looking for a platform that can be used for collaborative writing, Google Sites may be a good choice.

wikiHow is a great option for people who need a quick and easy way to learn how to do something. It’s also great for people who want to share their knowledge with others. The site has a lot of helpful articles, so it’s perfect for projects that need a lot of help from the community. wikiHow is an excellent resource for those looking to learn how to do something quickly and easily. Additionally, wikiHow is perfect for projects that require the assistance of the community in order to be successful. With so many helpful articles available, wikiHow makes it easy for anyone to get started! ..

We’ll be using Wikia for our walkthroughs in this article.

Let’s Create a Wiki Page

Fandom is a popular online community of people who share interests in media and entertainment. It’s easy to join and use, and beginners can start out by creating a profile.

Wikis are popular for documenting trending topics, favorite characters from popular movies and videogames, and other things with a more general appeal. However, a wiki is a wiki and can be used for documenting any topic. ..

To create a wiki, first click the WIKIS tab and then click the START A WIKI button. ..

Select a wiki name, domain name, and preferred language for your wiki. Click NEXT when finished. ..

At this point, you’ll need to sign in to your account if you haven’t already. For those who need an account, you have the option to create one via social media account or fill out a standard registry form.

To create a wiki, you’ll first need to add a description for it. You can select what hub it fits into and any additional categories you feel are necessary, before clicking CREATE MY WIKI. ..

This is where you can choose a quick theme for your wiki. There are a few different choices, primarily changing the color of the page background, text boxes, and fonts.

You can change this at any time so your selection is not set in stone. Once a theme has been selected, click SHOW ME MY WIKI. You’ll be greeted with a small congratulatory window that will ask if you’d like to begin creating new pages. We’ll skip this for now and focus on the main page instead.

Please close the window.

I’m On The Home Page, Now What?

The first tab is the introduction page, which tells you what this wiki is all about and how to get started. The second tab is the articles page, where you can find information on any topic you want to know more about. The third tab is the talk pages, where you can share your thoughts and ideas with other users. The fourth tab is the categories page, where you can find information on different topics. And finally, the last tab is the contact pages, where you can find out more about our team or ask us questions.

The first section is the main content area, which includes the main navigation buttons and a search bar. The second section is the sidebars, which are divided into three categories: articles, videos, and images. The third section is the footer, which includes a copyright notice and a link to our website’s privacy policy.

Red Section

This is a less important part of the menu in the early stages of your wiki’s development. It will grow more important as things are added, your community grows, and as the wiki expands.

This tab will show you which pages are being visited most often on your wiki. ..

Green Section

The menu provides helpful options for the continued growth of your wiki. ..

The bread and butter of any wiki is the ability to continuously add new pages. Every new page provides new information to your readers about the topic. You’ll be clicking on this icon a lot.

The General tab provides access to everything from a theme designer and CSS options to a full user list with provided rights to basic content additions for edits and the like. The Advanced tab is more of the same only broken down into smaller, specified links for quicker access.(4)

This section is about how to keep your wiki up and running smoothly.

Yellow Section

The yellow section on this page contains the links specific to the current page you’re working on within your wikipedia site.

This button will allow you to edit the current page. By default, you’re provided with a visual editor version of the text editor. More on this later. ..

The Dropdown Menu is a powerful tool that can be very helpful in moving forward. It houses a few different links that can prove very important in moving forward. Here, you can rename the page, protect the page (and specific sections) from further edits, delete the page, and even edit the visuals for how it will look for mobile devices. There is also an option to use the Classic editor, which is the source editor, instead of the default visual editor.

Main Page First Steps

Your community is a place where people can come to learn about the world around them and make new friends. You can expect to find information about local events, businesses, and more on this page.

To get started with some edits, click the EDIT button found in the yellow section previously discussed. Your page should look something like the image below.

The visual editor is the more beginner-friendly option, according to the experts.

The main page left column starts at the top left of the page. This is a tag that indicates the beginning of a section or column on a page.

Scroll further down and you’ll see similar text which indicates the start of a section or column on a wiki page. Everything written within this section will be situated in the left-most column of the main page.

My meaning is that the pages on FANDOM are divided into two columns, a left and a right. The left column will contain the bulk of the information while the right side is generally reserved for quick links and statistical information.

  1. Keep the tags in place on your website’s main page.
  2. If you remove them, people may not be able to easily find what they’re looking for on your site.
  3. This will help keep your design looking good on all devices and browsers.

Please enter a valid article name.

Visual Editor vs Source Editor

The visual editor allows for easy mode content that can be set within the given parameters of the editor. This means that you only have as much control over how you edit content as the editor allows. It’s very minimal but for a beginner, it can be your best friend.

The source editor is a powerful tool that can be used to improve the look and feel of your pages and the content placed on them. By using it, you will have far more control over the look and feel of your pages than is possible with the visual editor.

When it comes to choosing a wiki management platform, there are two main options: a sandbox or an ambitious one. Sandboxes are more limited in scope, but they can be more fun to work on. On the other hand, an ambitious wiki can require more control over your work than a sandbox.

The source editor, or the person who created the article, is an important part of any wiki. They are responsible for ensuring that all content is accurate and up-to-date. In addition, they should be familiar with Wikitext, which is the language used to create markup on FANDOM sites.

Fandom has a comprehensive list of markup text formatting that you can use to improve your writing.


A new feature on the wiki platform would be the ability to create and save custom templates. These templates can then be used to create page consistency across your entire wiki without the need to redo each page over again from scratch. This would make it easier for users to create consistent pages across all of your wiki content, making it easier for you to manage and improve your content.

This guide will teach you how to create custom templates for your FANDOM content. By following this guide, you will be able to create beautiful and unique templates that can help you improve the quality of your content.

User Management

Adding multiple contributors to your wiki is what will help it grow and flourish. Once you have a team, you can add them individually to your wiki, giving them specific user rights.

Under User Rights, click on Edit. In the Edit User Rights window, click on Add a right. In the Add a right window, type the following: Disable comments on posts and pages ..

To add a user to the wiki, first create an account and then click Edit user groups. In the user groups area, you will see a list of groups that the user has registered for. Click on the group(s) that you want to add the user to and then click Save user groups.